The Scribe Team
Enterprise Collaboration

Seamlessly work with your teammates in Scribe

AUTHOR: The Scribe Team

Scribe users find more value from Scribe when they can easily see what their teammates are working on and share knowledge with those teammates. We wanted to make it easier for you to facilitate this teamwork within Scribe, so we put in new access levels that can be set by team admins.

What’s new?

There are three options for a team’s access level:

  • Open team: any user that shares an admin’s email domain can join the team; team admin approval is not necessary

  • Closed team: any user that shares an admin’s email domain can request to join the team; a team admin must approve the request

  • Default team: all users that share the admin’s email domain will be automatically added to the team

How does it work?

If you’re the first person to join Scribe from your company, you can create a team that will be designated as a ‘default team.’ As your colleagues join Scribe with the same email domain (for example,, they’ll automatically be added to your team. They’ll then be able to see all teams that were created by their colleagues (as long as you share an email domain) and they can join a team or request access to join.

Enterprise users now have a team directory in their team dropdown, where they can see every team in their organization, and join or request access to those teams.

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